Everly Grace Whole Beauty

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The Art of Intuitive Skin

The Art of Intuitive Skincare

By: Christa Jutras, Esthetician and Founder of Everly Grace Whole Beauty

Intuitive skincare is a holistic approach to taking care of your skin that goes beyond following a

rigid step-by-step routine. It involves actively listening to your body and understanding its

unique needs to achieve a healthy and radiant glow.

Instead of the same old boring deliberate steps or using products just because they are popular or

recommended by others, intuitive skincare encourages you to listen to your body’s signals and

determine what your skin, body, and soul need. This means paying attention to how your skin

feels, reacts, and changes throughout the day or in different environments. The art of Self-Care

should be fun, and taking care of ourselves should always be at the top of the list.

To practice intuitive skincare, start by observing how your skin responds to different factors such

as weather conditions, stress levels, diet, and lifestyle choices. Take note of any patterns or

triggers that may be affecting the health and appearance of your skin. At Everly Grace Beauty

we recommend keeping a journal for one week to observe your skin.

Instead of sticking to a rigid routine that may not suit your skin’s current needs, adapt your

skincare regimen based on what you observe. This could mean simplifying or adjusting the

products you use depending on how your skin feels at any given time.

Additionally, intuitive skincare emphasizes self-care practices that go beyond topical treatments.

This includes prioritizing adequate sleep, managing stress levels through relaxation techniques or

exercise, and maintaining a balanced diet rich in nutrients for overall wellness.

By practicing intuitive skincare, you can develop a deeper understanding of what works best for

your unique skin type and condition. It allows you to tailor your approach based on what truly

benefits your skin’s health and radiance while promoting overall well-being.