Why we love Organic Derived Ingredients

At Everly Grace Whole Beauty, we’re committed to natural and organic skin care. We firmly believe that what you put on your skin and into your body plays a part in your overall health. Because let's face it, who doesn't want to feel beautiful inside and out?

Here are our top 5 reasons for choosing organic products:

1.) Skin is our largest organ and absorbs everything we apply to it

“Although there is controversy about whether or not the penetration of products can travel all the way into the bloodstream, our skin, the largest organ on our body, is still absorbing anything that we apply topically,” Walsh explains. In fact, it’s been established that 60 percent or more of topicals are absorbed by the skin, according to Christine Walsh, lead esthetician and makeup artist at Dermstore. So you want to make sure you’re only letting the good stuff in. Therefore, the same rule applies to selecting skin care ingredients as when you’re weighing whether to spring for organic avocados this week. “Since organic products are made up of all-natural, organic ingredients, the list would be nearly the same as the famous Clean 15,” Walsh says. (from wellandgood.com).

If you’re not able to switch to an all organic skin care routine, think about those areas that have thinner skin, like eyes, mouth and forehead - or your lips.. how often do you lick your lips!? Not sure where to start? We recommend an organic serum like Naturopathica’s Plant Stem Cell Booster Serum. When applied right after cleansing, a serum can serve as a good foundation for what else you put on your face. Usually used for daily wear, a serum is an essential part of a skin care routine.

2.) Organic Skin Care products are just as effective as their chemical counterparts

A lot of my clients are struggling with common skin care problems like dry skin or acne. Some of these can be caused by challenging the skin with too many chemicals. Over-drying the skin can cause your skin to overproduce oil which creates problems like acne, or dryness as it’s stripping the skin of it’s natural process.

Making the switch to organic skin care products requires patience. We’re not talking about a few days, sometimes a switch can take months! Your skin needs to learn how to work with a new product and establish a routine in harmony with the new products. While all skin is different, here are a couple of our favorites: Naturopathica Aloe Cleansing Gel and Naturopahtica Manduka Honey Cleansing Balm. The Manuka Honey is produced by bees that pollinate the New Zealand Manuka Bush, this honey is prized for its antibacterial and humectant properties. In skin care, it helps to reinforce the skin’s lipids and clarify without stripping the skin.

3.) Eco-Friendly

Just like how the chemicals in drugstore products don’t break down in your body, they also do not break down in the environment. When you wash your face, hair or body, the harmful ingredients get washed down the drain and make their way into water systems such as rivers and lakes. The manufacturing of these products is also harmful to the environment! Think about it: acres of land, including sensitive areas such as the rainforests, are destroyed to produce common skincare products, and not only does this ruin ecosystems but it also decreases wildlife around the world. (from blume.com).

Organic and natural products often come in better, more recyclable packaging too. Did you know that by 2050, we’re predicting there will be more plastic in the ocean than fish? That’s reason alone to decrease our plastic use! We recommend trying Little Seed Farm natural deodorant. The packaging is plastic free and the deodorant is Natural & non-toxic skincare to nourish and rejuvenate your body while also being gentle on the environment.

4.) Compliments a healthy lifestyle

Every bite or step you take can lead you to a happier and more nourished body and mind. And it’s not about following this or that diet or taking this or that supplement. Nutrition services are evidence-based and tailored to you based on lifestyle, food preferences, and personal health goals. Physical and mental health are equally important - Meditation, yoga, nutrition and self-care are just as important as your skin care routine. The best thing you can offer yourself or others is creating a sense of peace within. We can do this through meditation, or yoga relaxation techniques.

Book a private or group yoga class, take a bath with Naturopathica Sweet Birch Bath Flakes, journal or meditate. Take time for you!

5.) Non-organic Ingredients are scary!

There is very little regulation in the US on ingredients that can be in skin care products. From preservatives, to heavy metals to artificial colors or fragrances, it’s critical that we know what we’re putting on our skin. A great resource is this database. Toxic ingredients can be cancer causing, or have developmental and reproductive toxicity: Ingredients linked to developmental and reproductive toxicity, a broad class of health effects. One of our favorites, Naturopathica’s Calendula Essential Hydrating Cream. This gets a score of 1 (the lower the better).