Your Beauty Routine Starts Here

January: It is a time of renewal, commitments, and goals. But, studies show up to 80% of New Year Resolutions fail. From no factual data, here are the three biggest reasons we at EGB believe we give up:

1. They are goals we think we should have. We are letting our friends, family, or society tell us what to go after, but it isn't something we really want. It is easy to let these goals slip, because we don't really care.

2. We miss one workout, forget to meditate or do yoga one morning, have one day where we indulge and we give up on the whole thing. Life is about balance, it isn't about being perfect. Gift yourself some grace in 2021 and know that when you are consistent in striving for your goals MOST of the time, it is okay to have a lazy day or enjoy dessert SOME of the time.

3. You don't have accountability. When we set really BIG, life-changing goals, we should get a little scared. Sometimes we don't share these goals with anybody because we are afraid of failure. But then there is nobody to lift us up when we need help, and at some point we all need help. Believe in yourself, share your goals with your biggest cheerleaders and let them help you.

Instead of setting lofty goals that you’ll spend some days working on and then give up, lets focus on a routine. They say it takes 21 days to start a habit, so why not work on your skin care routine/habit?

Studies show that rituals provide a sense of control, which can ease anxiety and improve performance. 


Invest In Yourself

Step back and commit to investing in yourself. This might mean actually investing, like purchasing skin care products or this could mean investing time. Maybe an extra 15 minutes in the morning to meditate, do yoga or sip tea is a good way to start your day. Your skin is an external indicator of internal health and internal health is all encompassing - from what you eat to your mental health. Take time, slow down and commit to yourself and making choices in your routine that are a good place to start out a new year.

Be Patient

 When shopping for skincare products, it’s a good rule of thumb to shop organic or organic-derived. Usually the more ingredients on the label, the more we encourage you to stay away from them. A lot of my clients are struggling with common skin care problems like dry skin or acne. Some of these can be caused by challenging the skin with too many chemicals. Over-drying the skin can cause your skin to overproduce oil which creates problems like acne, or dryness as it’s stripping the skin of it’s natural process. Making the switch to organic skin care products requires patience. We’re not talking about a few days, sometimes a switch can take months! Your skin needs to learn how to work with a new product and establish a routine in harmony with the new products.

Start Small, Slowly Expand 

“When expanding your product lineup, proceed with caution and listen to your skin. While basics like cleanser and moisturizer should be used right off the bat, there’s no need to rush when it comes to adding in extras like toners, serums and actives. Dr. Bowe recommends testing one variable/new product at a time, and waiting at least two weeks to see how your skin reacts. “ source

Application Order is Everything

When and how you apply your products is just as important as the products themselves. Applying your products with the thinnest to thickest consistency is a great way to ensure they’re doing their job. For example, after washing your face, you’ll want to use a toner, followed by a serum. These two are very light base layers that help additional layers better absorb into the skin. An oil or thick moisturizer should be applied last. You might even find that some of your products are best suited for evening as they leave your skin feeling too hydrated for a daytime use.

Be Gentle

“Cleaning too aggressively or over-exfoliating in an effort to experience that tight, squeaky-clean feeling is a habit for many. Despite common belief, that’s not what your skin wants or needs! “When our skin’s healthy microbiome is disrupted by harsh cleansers and other abrasive products, this discontent results in breakouts, rosacea flares, psoriasis, and eczema” says Bowe. In sharp contrast, she adds that when our “good bugs” are healthy, “they’re empowered to fight infections, combat against environmental damage, boost our immune system, and keep our skin hydrated and radiant.” Be gentle and protect that skin barrier and microbiome!” source

Find the right time

While some will use their skin care routine as a mental reset, others will sneak it in at a time of multitasking. I have clients who will do a face mask routine while reading a book or watching tv. Others will do it during meditation or a bath. I’ve even had some busy moms do it while cooking dinner. Whatever works best for you, really.

Compliment a Healthy Lifestyle

Every bite or step you take can lead you to a happier and more nourished body and mind. And it’s not about following this or that diet or taking this or that supplement. Nutrition services are evidence-based and tailored to you based on lifestyle, food preferences, and personal health goals. Physical and mental health are equally important - Meditation, yoga, nutrition and self-care are just as important as your skin care routine. The best thing you can offer yourself or others is creating a sense of peace within. We can do this through meditation, or yoga relaxation techniques.

Carve Out Time for Your Routine

“It can be easy to put skincare on the backburner, but not if you reserve the time for it. “The more that it becomes a healthy habit and self-care ritual, the more that you will crave it each day,” says Bowe. To start, set a reminder on your phone or add a brightly-colored sticky note to your bathroom mirror. Have kids? Introduce a mindful activity that’ll keep them entertained while you relax. “ source